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类型:欧美 美剧  地区:美国  年份:2018 
学会去微笑,渐渐地你的气质会越来越好;学会去适应,渐渐地你的处境会越来越顺;学会去理解,渐渐地你的知己会越来越多;学会去包容,渐渐地你的生活会越来越美;学会去欣赏,渐渐地你的人际会越来越广;学会去谦让,渐渐地你的肚量会越来越宽;学会去良善,渐渐地你的世界会越来越yy6080青苹果苹果影院金钱之味在线观看。June and Oscar are a married couple who live a comfortable-but-predictable life in suburban California. For years, they've had the same conversations, eaten the same meals, and taken vacations at the same rented lakehouse. But when June talks Oscar into shaking things up by taking a ski trip, the couple suddenly find themselves in completely unfamiliar territory -- raising questions about love, commitment and their marriage.